• Office Hours: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
1. Overview: 

DUMATA Technology promotes a hybrid work environment that allows employees to work both from the office and remotely. This policy is designed to establish guidelines for a productive, inclusive, and flexible work atmosphere.

2. Work Hours:

Employees are expected to adhere to a standard workweek (Saturday to Thursday, with core working hours from 10 am to 6 pm (GMT +6).
Flexibility is provided to accommodate individual needs, ensuring a healthy work-life balance.
All employees are responsible for recording and reporting their work hours through our time tracking system.

3. Remote Work:
  • Employees may work remotely based on their role requirements and prior approval from their supervisor.

  • Remote employees are expected to maintain regular communication, be available during working hours, and attend virtual meetings as required.

4. Office Attendance:
  • Attendance at the physical office is required for certain meetings, collaborative projects, and team-building activities.

  • Employees are encouraged to use office space for tasks requiring focused attention or when in-person collaboration is beneficial.

5. Communication:
  • The primary mode of communication is physical meeting in our office including video calls, chats, and project management platforms.

  • All employees are expected to respond to messages and emails in a timely manner.

6. Data Security:
  • Employees must adhere to DUMATA Technology’s data security policies, especially when working with sensitive information.

  • Use secure networks and follow proper data access and storage protocols.

7. Equipment and Resources:
  • DUMATA Technology will provide necessary equipment and resources for both office and remote work.

  • Employees are responsible for the care and security of provided equipment.

8. Professional Development:
  • DUMATA Technology encourages continuous learning and professional development.

  • Remote employees are eligible for online courses, workshops, and other resources to enhance their skills.

9. Performance Evaluation:
  • Employee performance will be assessed based on key performance indicators and individual contributions.

  • Remote work will not affect performance evaluations, which will be conducted regularly.

10. Health and Well-being:
  • DUMATA Technology values the health and well-being of its employees.

  • Flexible work hours and mental health support resources are available.

11. Adherence to Policies:
  • All employees are expected to adhere to DUMATA Technology’s policies and guidelines.

  • Non-compliance may result in corrective action, including revocation of remote work privileges.

12. Policy Review:
  • This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure relevance and effectiveness.

  • By following this workplace policy, we aim to foster a collaborative and flexible work environment that empowers our employees and ensures the success of DUMATA Technology.